Volunteer Agreement

By signing below, I hereby accept a position as a Volunteer with Furkids, upon the following terms, conditions and undertakings:

Terms and Conditions

  1. My services to Furkids are provided strictly in a voluntary capacity as a Volunteer, and without any express or implied promise of salary, compensation, or other payment of any kind whatsoever.
  2. My services are furnished without any employment-type benefits, including employment insurance programs, worker’s compensation accrual in any form, vacations or sick time.
  3. I will familiarize myself with and abide by Furkids’ policies, procedures and Volunteer Code of Ethics (please review below).  I understand that Furkids expects high standards of moral and ethical treatment of animals under its care.  In my capacity as a Volunteer, I agree to strictly adhere to all of these standards.
  4. I understand that Furkids, without notice or hearing, may terminate my services as a Volunteer at any time, with or without reason.


  1. I understand that the handling of animals and other volunteer activities on behalf of Furkids may place me in a hazardous situation that could result in injury to me or to my personal property.   On behalf of myself and my heirs, personal representatives and assigns, I hereby release, discharge, indemnify, and hold harmless Furkids and its directors, officers, employees, and agents from any and all claims, causes of action and demands of any nature, whether know or unknown, arising out of or in connection with my activities on behalf of Furkids.
  2. Understanding that public relations is an important part of a Volunteer’s activities on behalf of Furkids, I hereby authorize Furkids to use any photographs of me in its possession for public relations purposes.   I ask that Furkids use reasonable efforts to give me advance notice of any such use, but such notification is not a condition to release photographs for public relations purposes.


Volunteer Code of Ethics


Respect others even if I may not agree with them
Display courtesy, sensitivity, consideration and compassion for people and animals
Use good judgment in recognizing the scope of authority of staff members and volunteer supervisors


Keep safety at the forefront at all times
Follow the rules presented to me in training and meetings
Respect and use equipment and supplies as they are intended
Report all injuries immediately to a staff person or volunteer supervisor


Perform all tasks to the best of my ability
Ask for help when needed
Recognize training is essential to maintain safe practices


Recognize my limitations and those of others
Set boundaries for myself and know my limits with animals and other activities
Hold myself accountable for the commitments I undertake


Recognize I communicate both verbally and non-verbally
Listen to the needs of others
Advise shelter personnel of relevant information regarding the animals and my involvement at the shelter


Recognize true commitment comes from within
Respect that people and animals count on me to honor my commitments
Work together with staff and other Volunteers to meet Furkids goals


Value my role in the maintenance and growth of the organization
Strive to promote a positive environment
Respect and support all people and animals

Volunteer’s Signature Your typed name in this field above the form will serve as your signature. By signing, you certify that the information you provided on this form is true.

“No act of kindness, however small is ever wasted.”

“You have never really lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”

“Concern for animals is a matter of taking the side of the weak against the strong, something the best people have always done.”
- Harriet Beecher Stowe